Monday, November 5, 2012

US Soccer Leverages a Facebook Fan Poll

A poll is very simple way to engage fans. It takes a few seconds to click your vote, you're anonymous and the reward is immediate - the fan can see how their vote compares to the rest of the world.

Let's take a look at the US Soccer Facebook page. As you can see here to the left, US Soccer is offering fans the chance to vote for a "best" performance, in this case the "best save" between two players, women's national team goalkeeper Hope Solo and men's national team goalkeeper Tim Howard.

Even better, is US Soccer has planned the polls across an entire week, driving fans back across five days to participate in a new poll with a new theme each day.

There's a good chance that when the fan re-visits the page they'll surf through other stories as well, driving further engagement.

What's more is they provide video links to the actual highlights the fans are voting on, bringing more life and energy to poll than usual.

By featuring individual players and teams in their polls, US Soccer is tapping into the power of those players driving fans to the poll. Hope Solo can tweet the link to the poll to her almost 700,000 Twitter followers. That's pretty powerful stuff. In Tuesday's "Best Performance: Team" poll, I can see a Twitter battle exploding between the US WNT and the US MNT fans in an attempt to rally more votes.

It'll be interesting to see what US Soccer does to create further value following the fan action at the end of the poll week. Perhaps US Soccer can create a final highlight video of the fan-voted "best" performances of 2012.

This simple, easy-to-implement poll has unleashed so much potential to drive content and engage fans.

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